Q.P. Code: 201001                          Reg. no.: …………………
Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations,
August 2017
Pharmacology- Paper I
Time: 2 Hours                                                    Total Marks: 40
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essays: (2x6=12)

1. Enumerate five groups of anti- hypertensive drugs with examples of each . Discuss the mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of any one of them. (2+2+1+1)
2. Read the clinical problem and answer the following questions:
After injection of succinylcholine i.v. to provide muscle relaxation, the patient developed prolonged apnea.
  • What is the probable reason for this.
  • Can edrophonium be given as antidote. If yes, why and if not why not.
  • What is the line of treatment. (2+2+2=6)

 Short notes:  (5x3=15)

3. Neostigmine.
4. Propofol.
5. Clopidogrel.
6. Physiological antagonism
7. Furosemide.

Answer briefly:

8. Two advantages and two disadvantages of i.v. route of drug administration.
9. Explain the rationale for the use of oximes in organophosphorus poisoning.
10. Mechanism of action of nitrates.
11. Explain the pharmacological basis for the use of ethyl alcohol in methanol poisoning.
12. Mention two selective Cox-2 inhibitors

Name two drugs:

13. Pro 6rogs
14. H1 receptor blockers
15. Anti- muscarinic drugs 
16. Teratogenicity
17. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia
18. Selective alpha blockers
19. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
20. Pre- anesthetic medication