Q.P. Code: 310001                             Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations,
March 2017
Gynecology (Family Welfare and Dernogrnphy) - II
Time: 2 Hours                                          Total Marks: 40
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (10)

1. 75 years old woman presents with abdominal distension and on examination there is a mass in the abdomen and shifting dullness. Answer the following:
  • What are the differential diagnosis.
  • What are the investigations.
  • What is the management.
  • What are the prognostic factors. (3+3+3+1)

Short Essays: (3x4=12)

2. Principles of myomectomy
3. Supports of the uterus
4. Tests for ovulation

Short notes: (2x3=6)

5. Clinical and ultrasound features of polycystic disease of the ovary.
6. Female sterilization

Answer briefly: (3x2=6)

7. Classification of ovulatory disorders
8. Stress urinary in-continence
9. Management of nulliparous prolapse

One word answers: (4 x 1 =4)

10. Most common cause of amenorrhea
11. Milk secretion in non -pregnant woman
12. Hormone given for flushing in post-menopausal women
13. Latest classification in prolapse uterus

Draw and label: (2x1=2)

14. Mullerian anomalies
15. Types of fibroid uterus.