Q.P. Code: 305001                      Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations,
September 2016
General Medicine – I
Time: 3 Hours                                           Total Marks: 60
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (2x10=20)

1. A 45 years old man develops progressive breathlessness and swelling of both the feet.
On examination respiratory rate was of 22/mt, heart rate of 96/mt. and BP 100/70 mm of
hg. JVP raised 14cms and both a and v waves were seen. On auscultation 3rd heart
sound and bilateral fine crepitation were present. Liver was palpable 3cms below costal
margin. There is no free fluid in the abdomen. Answer the following:
  • What is your probable diagnosis.
  • What other causes can cause this condition
  • How will you confirm the diagnosis.
  • How will you treat this condition (2+3+2+3=10)

2. A 70 years old male having hyperlipidemia presents with inability to move his left hand
and leg for one day duration. He felt that his left hand was weak in the morning and in the
evening he developed weakness of left leg. On examination vitals signs were stable. No
wasting of muscles, spasticity of the left upper and lower limb. Power grade IV on the left
side. Brisk deep tendon reflex on the left side and up going plantar on the left side. Other
systems were normal. Answer the following:

  • What is your probable diagnosis.
  • Where is the lesion.
  • How will you confirm the diagnosis.
  • How will you treat this condition. (2+2+3+3=10)

Short notes: (20x2=40)

3. Treatment of hyperkalemia
4. Scurvy
5. Definition of acute nephritic syndrome
6. Clinical features of thyrotoxicosis
7. Laboratory diagnosis of hepatitis B infection
8. Family history in autosomal dominant disease
9. Renal causes of secondary hypertension.
10. Complications of chronic pancreatitis.
11. Management of atrial fibrillation
12. Lab diagnosis of post hepatic (cholestatic) jaundice.
13. Low molecular weight heparins
14. Tropical sprue
15. Hemodialysis
16. WHO pain ladder
17. Esophageal strictures
18. CSF findings in bacterial meningitis
19. Sulphonylureas
20. Osteoporosis
21. Stable angina
22. Treatment of parkinsonism