This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences)
- Define enzymes. Classify enzymes according to IUB system with one example each. Mention three enzymes commonly estimated after myocardial infarction (1+3+6=10)
- Define and classify enzymes. Give one example for each class and mention the reaction catalysed.
- What are enzymes. Explain briefly the factors affecting the velocity of enzyme catalyzed reactions.
- Explain different types of enzyme inhibition giving suitable examples
- What is meant by suicide enzyme inhibition? Explain with one example
- List two clinical examples of competitive inhibition
- Regulation of enzyme activity
- Diagnostic significance of serum enzymes
- Name different types of specificity shown by enzymes with examples/ Enumerate three types of enzyme specificity
- Isoenzymes
- Pro-enzymes
- Allosteric enzymes
- Ribozymes
- Zymogen activation
- What is the basis of curdling of milk?
- Mention any two enzymes used as therapeutic agents
- Define Km value/ Define Km value and state its importance
- Enzymes as markers of myocardial infarction
- Give the normal serum values of CPK-MB
- Name the coenzyme required for transamination reactions
- Name two therapeutic enzymes/Mention one therapeutic use of enzyme
- Mention the zinc containing enzymes
- List two reactions where the folic acid is the co-enzyme
- Michaelis Menten constant
- Significance of km values
- What are cathepsins