Q.P. Code: 304001                          Reg. no.: ………………… 
Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Degree Supplementary Examinations, 
September 2016 
Community Medicine-Paper II 
Time: 3 Hours                                             Total Marks: 60 

  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams wherever necessary 

Essay: (10)

1. Asha a 6 years old child is brought to the primary health center with fever for 3 days and tourniquet test is positive indicating probable case of dengue. What investigations will you do. How will you manage. As a medical officer what actions will you take to control the disease in the community. (2+4+4=10)

Problems: (2x5=10)

2. Eighteen years old Anisha a primi gravida comes with 4 months amenorrhea for check up. How will you proceed with clinical examination and management.
3. Four months old Priya is brought to the primary health center with fever and cold for 3days. She is alert and her respiratory rate is 58/min. Grunting is present. How will you classify her diagnosis and what treatment will you give.

Short answer Question: (5x4=20)

4. Vision 2020: the right to sight
5. Laboratory diagnosis of cholera
6. Primary prevention of rheumatic heart disease
7. Package of services under National AIDS Control Programme(NACP- IV)
8. Adolescent friendly health services(AFHS)

Differentiate between: (3x2=6)

9. Programme evaluation and review technique and critical path method
10. Accredited social health activist (ASHA) and anganwadi worker
11.What is to be done:during the floods and after the floods in disaster management

Substantiate your answer with reasons: (2x2=4)

12. DOTS strategy can reduce the burden of tuberculosis.
13. Surveillance has to be improved if annual blood examination rate is less than10% in an endemic area for malaria

List the following: (5x2=10)

14. Elements of primary health care
15. Modifiable risk factors of hypertension
16. Mental health services
17. Health related millennium development goals
18. Responsibilities of world health organization