• Stimulation of Right vagus slows the heart by inhibiting the SA node and stimulation of Left vagus nerve mainly slows the AV conduction

• Stimulation of Right stallete ganglion accelerates the heart and stimulation of Left stellate ganglion shortens the AV nodal conduction

• SA node discharge increases with increase in temperature justifying tachycardia in fever

• ATRIAL FLUTTER: atrial rate is 200-350/min. Mostly there is counterclockwise circuit movement in RIGHT ATRIUM. This produces SAW TOOTH appearance. It is almost always associated with 2:1 or greater AV block. AV node cannot conduct more than 230 impulses per minute.

• ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: atrial rate more than 300-500/min and in irregular way. Ventricles also beat irregularly at 80 to 160/min. Its exact cause is still in debate but most commonly it occurs due to multiple concurrently circulating reentrant excitation waves in BOTH atria. Some cases may also occurs due to discharge of one or more ectopic foci. Many of these foci appear in pulmonary veins s much as 4 cm from the heart. Atrial muscle fibrs extend along pulmonary vein and site of origin of these foci

Aortic/ Pulmonary valve
stenosis=systolic murmur, insufficiency=diastolic

Mitral or tricuspid valve
stenosis =diastolic murmur
insufficiency systolic

• Sleep don’t cause any change on Cardiac output…(its an MCQ…)

• Athletes have greater end systolic volume and stroke volumes and lower heart rates

• Hematocrit is %age of blood occupied by RBCs
( but according to ganong bcq ans is hemotocrit is all platelets,rbc,WBC)

• BP pressure falls upto 20mmHg in sleep… in HTN this fall is reduced or absent…. So normal persons are called DIPPERS and hypertensive persons are called NONDIPPERS

• Noradrenergic fibers end on the vessels in all parts of the body which are mainly vasoconstrictor in function.. resistance vessels in skeletal muscles are innervated by VASODILATOR fibers which although trevel thru the sympethetics but are CHOLINERGIC….. there is some evidence that vessels in heart, lungs , kidneys, and ureters also receive cholinergic innervations

• The afferent nerve fibers from the carotid sinus and carotid body form a distinct branch of glossopharyngeal nerve called CAROTID SINUS NERVE. The carotid sinus nerve and vagal fibers from the aortc arch commonly called the BUFFER NERVES

• During shock the vasoconstriction is most marked in SKIN