1) VVF most common followed by ureterovaginal followed by urethrovaginal
2) developed countries most common cause gynaecological surgeries...
developing countries most common cause obstructed labour
3) highest in incidence after radical hysterectomy and lowest after vaginal hysterectomy

4) most common site for obs fistula is high vaginal vault and most common site after gynaec surgery is close to bladder below the trigone
5) to diagnose type of fistula we do the dye test or 3 swab test
6) IOC for VVF is cystocopy
IOC for ureteric fistula is retrograde pyelography
7)vesicovaginal fistula presents as continuous dribbling and inability to pass urine normally
8) uretero vaginal presents as intermittent and positional leakage with ability to pass urine normally as well
9)OBS fistula we do early repair that is within 1-2 week
gynae surgery fistula repair between 6 -12 weeks
10)ureteral and urethral immediate repair
11) For VVF we prefer vaginal repair over abdominal.
12)for ureteral we usually follow a reimplantation surgery over anastomosis surgery
13)for vvf abdominal is done for fistula involving bowel or cervix or due ro radiation or those associated with malignancy
14) after repair bladder drainage done for 14 days