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Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations, September 2015
Paediatrics and Neonatology
Time: 2 Hours                                                                                                       Total Marks: 40
      Answer all questions
      Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay:           (10)
1. Seven years old child was brought with fever and seizure O/E deeply comatose, pale and significant hepato-splenomegaly. Answer the following:
      What are the possibilities.                                                      
      What clinical signs will you look for in this case
      How will you investigate.
How will you manage.  

Short notes: 
2.    Management of HIV children
3.    Management of near drowning child
4.    Dengue hemorrhagic shock
5.    Clinical features and investigation in infective endocarditis

Answer briefly:
6.    Pica
7.    Cerebral edema
8.    Cryptorchidism
9.    Pneumothorax
10. Warm chain
Draw and label:
11. Pinworm egg
12. Entero-hepatic circulation
One word answers:
13. Drug of choice for prophylaxis of pneumocystis jiroveci
14. Lab diagnosis of leptospirosis
15. Dose of vitamin K in newborn
16. Four common causes of fever with rash