Q.P. Code: 204001                                            Reg. no.: …………………
Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary  Examinations, September 2015

Hematology and Systemic Pathology - Paper II

Time: 2 Hours                                                                       Total Marks: 40
      Answer all questions
      Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay:           (8)
1.    Define rheumatic fever.  Describe the etiopathogenesis and pathology of rheumatic heart disease.  (1+3+4 =8)
Short essay:            (6)
2.    A 72 years old male presented with changes in the bowel habit, bleeding per rectum, loss of weight, fatigue and weakness of six months duration.  After endoscopic biopsy
of colon, a left sided hemicolectomy was done. Answer the following:  

      What is the probable diagnosis.
      Describe the etiopathogenesis.  
      Describe the gross and microscopic features of the resected colon
Mention the serological marker which is increased.  
Short notes:
3.    Laboratory diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia.
4.    Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. 
5.    Bronchiectasis 
6.    Cholelithiasis 

Answer briefly: 
7.    Gross features of adult polycystic kidney.
8.    Microscopic appearance of seminoma.
9.    Kruckenberg’s tumor
10. Paget’s disease of the breast.
Answer in single sentence: 
11. Sequestrum
12. Target cells
13. Migratory thrombophlebitis
14. Mention two advantages of FNAC over biopsy.