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First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations - August 2015
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                   Total Marks: 50
      Answer all questions
      Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Long Essay (10)
1.    A 55 years old man presented with a rapidly growing swelling on the left side his face just below the ear lobule.  On examination, the ear lobule was found to be lifted by the swelling.  Following surgical excision of the swelling, the person found it difficult to close the left eye and blow the cheek.  The angle of mouth was deviated to the right. Based on your knowledge in anatomy, answer the following questions:

Which anatomical structure is likely to be involved to form the swelling.     Briefly describe the external features, relations and blood supply of the structure involved Accidental injury to which nerve is the probable cause of the man’s difficulties mentioned in the question.   Briefly explain the reasons for these disabilities(1+6+1+2=10)
Short essay (3x5=15)
2.    Thyroid gland- external features, relations, blood supply and development.
3.    Urinary bladder.
4.    Lateral ventricle of brain
Short notes (5x3=15)
5.    Vermiform appendix.
6.    Coeliac trunk.
7.    Porto caval  anastomoses.
8.    Microscopic anatomy of cerebellum.
9.    Male urethra.
Short answers          ( 3x2=6)
10. Routes of spread of infection from dangerous area of face  to the cavernous sinus.
11. Piriform recess.
12. Meckel’s diverticulum.
Draw diagram          (2x2=4)
13. Transverse section at the level of lower part of pons.
14. Distribution of cutaneous nerves to head and neck.