Q.P. Code: 304001             Reg. no........
Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Degree Supplementary Examinations,
September 2015
Community Medicine-Paper II
Time: 3 Hours                     Total Marks: 60

  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (10)
1. Susheela is an 18 months old girl who is brought to you with a history of diarrhea for the past two days. Answer the following:
What are the danger signs that you would ask or look for.

  • How would you classify the disease and on what basis
  • How would you treat the child if she is unable to drink fluids offered to her. (3+5+2=10)

Problems: (2x5:10)
2. Suresh is a 26 years old man who comes-to you with a history of urethral discharge for the past 2 weeks. As Medical Officer how will you manage the situation.
3. As the medical officer of a PHC you are asked to prepare a project to improve the nutritional status of the children in the schools under your jurisdiction. Describe your project.

Short answer Question: (5x4.-.20)
4. Post exposure prophylaxis for category Ill animal bite
5. Treatment of paucibacillary leprosy in adults
6. Anti-malaria month campaign
7. Actions against sub-standard drugs
8. Tobacco control legislation

Differentiate between: (3x2:6)
9. Rubella and measles
10.0bjective and goal in health planning
11. Eugenics and euthenics

Substantiate your answer with reasons: (2x2=4)
12. Goitrogens are an important reason for iodine deficiency in India
13. Mass therapy is essential for the control of filariasis

 List the following (5X2=10)
14. Voluntary organizations in health care
15. Steps  in evaluation of health services
16. Control measures against noise induced hearing loss
17. Functions of family
18. Natural methods of planning