1. Regarding anterior choroidal artery syndrome, all are true except?
A. Hemiparesis
B. Hemisensory loss
C. Predominant Involvement of anterior limb of internal capsule
D. Homonymous hemianopia

Ans. C. Involvement of anterior limb of internal capsule

2. Surgeon removes a part of liver to the left of falciform ligament. Which segment the surgeon has removed
A.1 & 4a
B.2 & 3
C.1 & 4b
D. 1& 3

Ans.B.2 & 3
3.Which of the following passes through foramen magnum?
A. Internal Carotid Artery
B. Sympathetic chain
C. Hypoglossal Nerve
D. Vertebral Artery

Ans. D. Vertebral Artery

4. Deoxygenated blood is not seen in
A. Pulmonary artery
B. Umbilical artery
C. Umbilical vein
D. Right heart
Ans. c. Umbilical vein

5. All of the following are pneumatic bones except?
A. Frontal
B. Ethmoid
C. Mandible
D. Maxilla

Ans. C. Mandible
6. All are seen in injury to common peroneal nerve except?
A. Loss of sensation over sole
B. Foot drop
C. Injury to neck of fibula
D. Loss of dorsiflexion of toe

Ans. A. Loss of sensation over sole
7. Which among the following is a branch from the trunk of brachial plexus?
A. Suprascapular nerve
B. Lateral thoracic nerve
C. Anterior thoracic nerve
D. Nerve to subclavius

Ans. Suprascapular nerve

8. Main blood supply of neck of femur?
A. Lateral circumflex femoral artery
B. Medial circumflex femoral artery
C. Profunda femoris artery
D. External Iliac Artery

Ans. B. Medial circumflex femoral artery
9. Right isomerism is?
A. Asplenia
B. Two spleens
C. One spleen
D. Polysplenia

Ans. A. Asplenia

10. Urethral crest is situated in:
A. Prostatic urethra
B. Membranous urethra
C. Penile urethra
D. Bulbar urethra

Ans. A. Prostatic urethra

11. What is the type of joint seen at Growth plate
A. FibroCartilaginous
B. Primary cartilagenous
C. Secondary cartilagenous
D. Gomphosis

Ans. B. Primary cartilaginous

12. Which among the following is not a component of hypogastric sheath?
A. Broad ligament of uterus
B. Transverse cervical ligament
C. lateral ligament of uterus
D.lateral ligament of bladder

Ans. A. Broad ligament of uterus

13. All are seen in the floor of 3rd ventricle except?
A. Infundibulum
B. Oculomotor nerve
C. Mammillary body
D. Optic Stalk

Ans. D. Optic Stalk
14. Lines of blaschko are:
A. Lymphatics
B. Blood vessel
C. Nerves D. Lines of development

Ans. D. Lines of development

15. All of the following are affected in low radial nerve palsy except?
A. Extensor carpi radialis longus
B. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
C. Finger extensors
D. Sensation on dorsum of hand

Ans. A. Extensor carpi radialis longus

16. Site not affected in posterior cerebral arteryinfarct is?
A. Midbrain
B. Pons
C. Thalamus
D. Striate cortex

Ans. B. Pons

17. Bifurcation of Common carotid artery is palpated at?
A. Upper border of cricoid cartilage
B. Upper border of thyroid cartilage
C. Hyoid bone
D. Cricothyroid membrane

Ans. B. Upper border of thyroid cartilage

18. In L5 root involvement, which among the following is not affected?
A. Thigh adduction
B. Knee flexion
C. Knee extension
D. Toe extension

Ans. A. Thigh adduction

19. Muscular component of dorsal aorta develops from?
A. Septum transversum
B. Paraxial mesoderm
C. Intermediate mesoderm
D. Lateral plate mesoderm

Ans. B. Paraxial mesoderm

20. Diaphragm develops from all except:
A. Septum transversum
B. Dorsal mesocardium
C. Pleuroperitoneal membrane
D. Cervical myotomes

Ans. B. Dorsal mesocardium

21. Posterior relations of head of pancreas are all except?
A. Common bile duct
B. First part of duodenum
C.Right crus of Diaphragm
D. Inferior vena cava

Ans. B. First part of duodenum

22. Which of the following is not supplied by the anterior division of mandibular nerve (V3) ?
A. Temporalis
B. Medial pterygoid
C. Lateral pterygoid
D. Masseter

Ans. B. Medial pterygoid