Q1.Afferent component of corneal reflex is mediated by :
A.     Vagus nerve.

B.     Facial nerve.

C.     Trigeminal nerve.

D.     Glossopharyngeal nerve.

Ans: C.   Trigeminal nerve.

Q2.In adults, the spinal cord normally ends at:

A.     Lower border of L1.

B.     Lower border of L3.

C.     Lower border of S1.

D.     Lower border of L5.

Ans: A.   Lower border of L1.

Q3.Middle meningeal artery is direct branch of :

A.     External carotid artery.

B.     Internal maxillary artery.

C.     Superficial temporal artery.

D.     Middle cerebral artery.

Ans: B.   Internal maxillary artery.

Q4.All of the following are the components of the white pulp of spleen, except :

A.     Periarteriolar lymphoid sheath.

B.     B cells.

C.     Antigen presenting cells.

D.     Vascular sinus.

Ans: D.  Vascular sinus.

Q5.All of the following development events are dependent on the production of maternal or fetal glucocorticoid, except

A.     Induction of thymic involution

B.     Production of surfactant by type II alveolar cells

C.     Functional thyroid

D.     Functional hypothalamopituitary axis

Ans: B.   Production of surfactant by type II alveolar cells

Q6.Referred pain from all of the following conditions may be felt along the inner side of right thigh, except:

A.     Inflamed pelvic appendix

B.     Inflamed ovaries

C.     Stone n pelvic Ureter

D.     Pelvic abscess

Ans: C.   Stone n pelvic Ureter

Q7.A 43 year old woman came with a large abscess in the middle of the right posterior triangle of the neck.  The physician incised and drained the abscess.  Five days later the patient noticed that she could not extend her right hand above her head to brush her hair.  Which of the following are the signs and symptoms of additional harm?

A.     Damage to scalenus medius

B.     Injury to suprascapular nerve

C.     Cut to spinal part of accessory nerve

D.     Spread of infection to shoulder joint

Ans: C.   Cut to spinal part of accessory nerve

Q8.Which of the following is an intraarticular tendon?

A.     Sartorius

B.     Semitendinosus

C.     Anconeus

D.     Popliteus

Ans: D.  Popliteus