Q.P. Code: 305001
Reg. no.:………
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Examinations April
General Medicine —I
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 60
- Answer all questions
- Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (2x10=20)
1. 18 years old male came to outpatient department with
fever, joint pain and swelling of right knee and chest pain. On examination
there is relative tachycardia, pansystolic murmur in mitral area and ECG shows
prolongation of PR interval. Answer the following:
- What is your diagnosis?
- How do you investigate this patient?
- What are the complications?
- How do you manage this patient? (1 +2+3+4=10)
2. 40 years old male presents with generalized anasarca and
decreased urine output for one month. On examination BP 120/80. Proteinurea of
3.5 gm/24 hours and serum albumin 2 gm%.
Answer the following :
- What is the likely diagnosis.
- How do you investigate this patient.
- What differential diagnosis will you consider.
- How are you going to treat this patient. (1 +3+3+3=10)
Short notes: (20 x 2=40)
3. Four causes of flapping tremor
4. Pellagra.
5. Clinical
features of cerebellar ataxia.
6. Clinical
features of menigitis.
7. Non
cardiac causes of pulmonary oedema.
8. Therapeutic schedule of vitamin B12.
9. Complications of post streptococcal glomerulonephritis.
10. 4 classes of oral hypoglycemic with one example
11 .Treatable causes of dementia
12. Hepatitis B vaccination
13. Four causes of upper GI bleeding
14 .ECG findings in hyperkalaemia
15 .List four autoimmune disorders.
16. Clinical features of beri beri.
17. Mention four causes of hypothermia.
18. Name four
disorders for which obesity is a risk factor.
19. Erythropoietin.
20 .List causes of polyuria.
21. Mention four manifestations of adult polycystic kidney
22. List ACE