Hello friends. You all have the ability to study. But a healthy study habit will help you perform better. Below are some recommended tips for a healthy study pattern. This will help you preparing for your exams.
1. Study in intervals -Studying in 20-50 minute increments and giving yourself 5-10 minutes in between is more beneficial than cramming. It will help in retaining what you studied.
2. Exercises: Science says that just 20 minutes exercises ( Not start heavy exercises for the sake of your exam )can improve your memory and concentration.
Whether you’re dancing, jogging or busting a sweat by walking exercise will increase your energy level and reduce the effects of stress. Very important!
3. Food : Everybody knows you should eat breakfast the day of a big test. Do not skip it on preparation days also.
Research suggests that high carbohydrate , high-fiber, slow digesting foods like oatmeal are best.  Included more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Heavy foods and junk foods so harmful.
4. Study Environment : Clean and neatly arranged room enhance your learning ability. Simply alternating the room where a person studies improves retention. Adequate light should be there and open the windows in day time and the view of the courtyard will be refreshing for your brain.
5. Time management: Cramming causes anxiety , which lowers your ability to retain information. By creating a balanced study plan and schedule, you will be able to study each subject in its entirety and ultimately boost your test performance.
6. Avoid all night study section: All nighters impair reasoning and memory for as long as four days. As a result, you will receive lower grades. So, get a good night’s sleep and expect to perform better on tests.
Review the toughest material right before going to bed the night before the test. It makes it easier to recall the material later.
7. Reduce distractions: Research shows that while many teens prefer to study while listening to music texting friends, or watching television, they are less likely to retain information that way.
If you must listen to music, stick to instrumental music.
8. Increase practice testing: Practice testing through the use of flashcards, or taking practice exams was observed to be a highly effective studying technique.
9. Above all DRINK plenty of water !