Q.P Code: 205001                                     Reg. no:…………..
Second Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, September 2014
Microbiology- Paper I
Time: 2 Hours                                         Total Marks: 40

  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams whenever necessary

Essay: (10)

1. A 10 years old boy was admitted in pediatric ward with history of fever, toxemia and on examination a white patch seen of fauces which bleeds on removal. He was not immunized properly. Answer the following:

  • Explain the probable diagnosis and name the causative agent
  • Describe the laboratory diagnosis mentioning the methods of sample collection
  • What are the complications of the disease
  • How is the disease treated
  • Describe the method of prophylaxis briefly (2+4+1+1+2=10)

Short essay: (2×5=10)

2. Pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever
3. Monoclonal antibodies and its application in clinical icrobiology

Short notes: (10×2=20)

4. Bacterial capsule
5. Sterilization using dry heat
6. Enrichment media with an example
7. Toxic shock syndrome
8. Differences between exotoxin and endotoxin
9. Herd immunity
10. Lyme disease
11. Opsonization
12. Differences between T & B lymphocytes
13. Secretory IgA