Q.P Code: 207001                                     Reg. no:…………..

Second Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, September 2014
Forensic medicine & Toxicology
Time: 2 Hours                                         Total Marks: 40

  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams whenever necessary

Essay: (7 )

1. A dead fetus was recovered from the dust bin. Crown heel length was 35 cms. Finger nail marks with contusions were noted in the neck. Answer the following:

  • Estimate the gestational age with reason
  • Mention the ossification centers which are likely to be found in this case
  • Is this fetus viable or not
  • What is the cause of death (2+3+1+1=7)

Short notes: (5×3=15)

2. Signs of ante mortem hanging
3. Cross examination
4. Informed consent
5. Plumbism
6. Section 375 of Indian penal code

Answer briefly: (5×2=10)

7. Lochia
8. Bloodless dissection of neck
9. Hallucination
10. Filigree burns
11. Ectopic contusion

Differentiate between: (2×2=4)

12. Complete and partial hanging
13. Adipocere and mummification

Draw and label: (2×2=4)

14. Skin incisions at autopsy
15. Longitudinal section of rifled cartridge