Q.P.Code:                                            Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS Part II Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Obstetrics & Social Obstetrics - I
Time: 2 Hours                    Total Marks: 40
             Answer all questions
             Draw diagrams wherever necessary 

Essay:    (10)
1. A 25 years old primi gravida presents with headache and vomiting at 36 weeks gestation. On examination BP 190/110 mm Hg. Uterus 34 weeks. Cephalic presentation FH+. Answer the following:  
  • What is the diagnosis   
  • What are the maternal complications      
  • Mention the investigations to be done           
  • Describe the management      (1+2+3+4=10)
Short essays:      (3x4=12)  

2. Management of atonic post partum hemorrhage
3. Tests of ante partum fetal surveillance
4. Diagnosis of unruptured ectopic gestation

Short Notes.       (2x3=6) 

5. Cardiovascular changes in pregnancy
6. External version
Answer briefly (3x2=6)
7. Active management of third stage of labour
8. Diagnosis of GDM
9. Asynclitism      

One word answers (4x1=4)
10. 11-14 week scan
11. Characteristic US finding in dichorionic gestation
12. Use of fetal fibronectin
13. Maternal mortality ratio 
Draw and label   (2x1=2)
14. Anteroposterior diameters of pelvic inlet in sagittal view
15. Early deceleration