Q.P.Code:302001             Reg.no.:………………
Third Professional MBBS (Part I) Supplementary Degree Examinations, September 2014
Oto-rhino laryngology
Time : 2 Hours                      Total Marks: 40

  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay :( 10)

1. A 55 year old man presented with progressive hoarseness and neck swelling since two months with stridor since one day. Answer the following

  • What is the most probable diagnosis?
  • Describe the clinical features of this condition
  • How will you investigate the condition?
  • How does the lesion spread?
  • What is the treatment of this condition?


Short notes: (4×3=12)

2. Rinne’s test
3. Treatment of Meniere’s disease
4. Ototoxicity
5. Rhinosporidiosis
Draw and label: (2×2=4)
6. Blood supply of nasal septum
7. Mastoid air cells
Answer briefly: (5×2=10)

8. Audiometric findings in otosclerosis
9. Allergic fungal rhino-sinusitis
10. Grommet
11. Portex tracheostomy tube
12. Objective tinnitus

Give precise answers: (4×1=4)

13. Tympanic plexus
14. Four major complications of FESS
15. What is Schwart’z sign and its clinical importance?
16. Name four arteries supplying little’s area