Q.P.Code:105001 Reg.no:…………….
First professional
MBBS Degree Examinations, August 2014
Time: 3Hours
Total Marks:50
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay (10)
1. Describe the pathway for synthesis of urea. Add a note on
the regulation of the pathway. Name two conditions in which blood urea is
increased giving the biochemical basis or enzyme defect *
Define β-oxidation. Explain reactions of β-oxidation of
palmitic acid. Add a note on energetics.**
Short essays (2×5=10)
2. Kreb’s cycle*/ TCA cycle**
3. Important compounds derived from glycine
Short notes (5×3=15)
4. Enumerate three types of enzyme specificity
5. Lactose intolerance
6. Transamination
7. Significance of the HMP shunt
8. Uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation
Answer briefly (5×2=10)
9. Active methionine
10. Biological action of glutathione
11. Hartnup’s disease
12. Clinical significance of ALP
13. Alkaptonurea
Give precise answers (5×1=5)
14. Name the deficient enzyme in Niemann Pick disease
15. Mention the normal level of serum creatinine
16. What is iso-electric pH
17. Mention any two key enzymes of glycolysis
18. Name four lipotropic factors
*Question changed
**New question