Q.P.Code:102001                                              …………….
First professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, August 2014
Time: 3Hours                                                                             Total Marks:50

  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Long essay                                                                                                                (10)

1. A patient brought to causality following road traffic accident had bulging of left eye ball with every radial pulse beat. X-ray revealed fracture of left halt of body of sphenoid. Answer the following questions:
  • Mention the location and extent to cavernous sinus
  • Its relations and its tributaries
  • Mention the reason for pulsating bulge of left eyeball in the above patient
  • Classify the cranial dural venous sinuses (2+6+1+1=10)

Short essay                                                                                                             (3×5=15)

2. Ischio-rectal fossa
3. Lateral ventricle of brain
4. Functional areas of supero-lateral surface of cerebrum

Short notes                                                                                                              (5×3=15)

5. Deep perineal pouch
6. Relations of second part of duodenum
7. Lymphatic drainage of stomach
8. Tympanic membrane
9. Microscopic anatomy of submandibular salivary gland

Short answers                                                                                                              (3×2=6)

10. Boundaries of epiploic foramen
11. Development of pituitary gland
12. Lacrimal sac

Draw diagram                                                                                                            (2×2=4)
13. Circle of Willis
14. Median section of male pelvis