Q.P.Code:102001                    …………….
First professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, February 2014
Time: 3Hours                                        Total Marks:50

  •  Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Long essay  (10)
1. A 55year old woman complained of midline nodular swelling in the front of her neck which moves on swallowing. On examination she had slight tremors on outstretched hands; Pulse was 111 per min, BP 156/100 mm Hg and slight blurring of eyes. She also tld that, she had lost weight and feels feverish. Answer the following:

  •  Which organ is likely to be involved
  • Why does this swelling move during swallowing
  • Mention the relations of this organ
  • Explain the blood supply of this organ and mention the precautions to be taken wile ligating these vessels during surgery(1+2+3+4=10)

Short essay   (3×5=15)
2. Extra hepatic biliary apparatus
3. Basal ganglia
4. Supports of uterus
Short notes   (5×3=15)
5. Inferior cerebellar peduncle
6. Development of portal vein
7. Microscopic structure of pancreas
8. Lesser sac
9. Structures over hyoglossus
Short answers  (3×2=6)
10. Coverings of kidney
11. Branches of external carotid artery
12. Pudendal canal
Draw diagram  (2×2=4)
13. Transverse section at the level of upper parts of pons
14. Stomach bed