Q.P.Code:102001 Reg.no:…………….
First professional
MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, February 2014
Time: 3Hours
Total Marks:50
- Answer all questions
- Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Long essay (10)
1. A 55year old woman complained of midline nodular swelling
in the front of her neck which moves on swallowing. On examination she had
slight tremors on outstretched hands; Pulse was 111 per min, BP 156/100 mm Hg
and slight blurring of eyes. She also tld that, she had lost weight and feels feverish.
Answer the following:
- Which organ is likely to be involved
- Why does this swelling move during swallowing
- Mention the relations of this organ
- Explain the blood supply of this organ and mention the precautions to be taken wile ligating these vessels during surgery(1+2+3+4=10)
Short essay
2. Extra hepatic biliary apparatus
3. Basal ganglia
4. Supports of uterus
Short notes
5. Inferior cerebellar peduncle
6. Development of portal vein
7. Microscopic structure of pancreas
8. Lesser sac
9. Structures over hyoglossus
Short answers (3×2=6)
10. Coverings of kidney
11. Branches of external carotid artery
12. Pudendal canal
Draw diagram (2×2=4)
13. Transverse section at the level of upper parts of pons
14. Stomach bed