Reg. No.:………..
First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examination, August 2013
Time: 3 HRS Total marks: 50
- Answer all questions
- Draw diagrams whenever necessary
Essay (10)
1. Discuss in detailthe mechanism by which kidney maintains
the blood ph. What is meant by metabolic acidosis and how it is compensated? (7+3=10)
Short essays (2×5=10)
2. Explain the degradation of haem
3. Discuss the process of transcription in prokaryotes
Short notes (5×3=15)
4. Cytochrome p450
5. List the different functions of plasma proteins
6. Describe the Wald’s visual cycle
7. Antioxidants
8. Discuss the base repair mechanism of DNA
Answer briefly (5×2=10)
9. Pellagra
10. Factors affecting iron absorption
11. DNA finger printing
12. Define gout and name three drugs used to treat gout
13. Oroticaciduria
Give precise answers
14. Mention two features of mitochondrial DNA
15. List the functions of restriction endonucleases
16. Define tumor markers and mention one example
17. The normal albumin-globulin ratio and mention a
condition in which it is reversed
18. Mention the examples of partially acceptable missense
mutation and unacceptable missense mutation