Q.P. Code: 204001 Reg. no.:…………………
Second Professional
MBBS Degree Examinations, April 2013
Haematology and Systemic Pathlogy- Paper II
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams where ever necessary
Essay: (8)
1. Classify bone tumors. Describe the gross (including x-ray
appearances) and microscopic features of the most common malignant bone tumor.
Short Essay: (6)
2. A 53 year old male presented with pain abdomen.
Investigations: Hb 8g/dl TC 70,000/cmm DC N 55 L 10 myelocyte 15 metamyelo 10
band 1 eosino 6 baso 3 platelet count 5.8 lakh/mm. Answer the following:
- What is your diagnosis?
- Describe the peripheral blood picture and bone marrow findings in this condition
- Name the cytogenetic abnormality associated (1+4+1=6)
Short Notes: (4×4=16)
3. Hemophilia
4. Hydatidiform mole
5. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
6. Renal cell carcinoma
Answer briefly: (4×2=8)
7. List two hematological evidences of DIC
8. Basal cell carcinoma
9. Lab diagnosis of thalassemia
10. Cholelithiasis
Answer in single
sentence: (4×1/2=2)
11. Auer rod
12. Involucrum
13. Cirrhosis