Q.P.Code: Reg. no.:……….
First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, February 2013
Time: 3 Hours Total marks: 50
- Answer all questions
- Draw diagrams whenever necessary
Long essay (10)
1. A 48 year old man suffering from diabetes mellitus had increased frequency of micturition
- What is the physiological basis of the polyuria?
- What are the mechanisms operating in the nephron for the concentration of urine?
- What are the tests for assessing the concentrating capacity of kidneys, add a note on free water clearance (3+6+1=10)
Short essays (2×5=10)
2. Explain the ionic basis of pace maker potential with the aid of labeled diagram. Mention the changes during sympathetic stimulation
3. Explain the role of skin in temperature regulation with the aid of a diagram*/Explain the mechanism of temperature regulation in a cold environment**
Answer briefly (5×3=15)
4. Mechanism of HCl secretion by gastric parietal cells
5. Hemophilia
6. Timed vital capacity
7. Factors influencing venous return
8. Plasma cell
Draw and label (2×2.5=5)
9. Nephron
10. ECG of lead 2
Explain the physiological basis of the following (5×2=10)
11. Physiological jaundice
12. Deglutition apnoea
13. Reticulocytosis
14. Pace maker potential*/ alveoli do not collapse on expiration**
15. Breaking point*/ Bleeding tendency in vitamin k deficiency**
* Question changed before examination
**New question instead of the changed one