First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations - January 2018
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
- Answer all questions
- Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Long Essay (10)
1. A patient brought to casuality following road traffic accident had bulging of right eyeball with every radial pulse beat. X-ray revealed fracture of right half of body of sphenoid. Answer the following:
Location and extend of cavernous sinus
Reason of pulsating bulge of left eyeball in the above patient
Classify the cranial dural venous sinuses
Short essays (3x5=15)
2. Cerebellar peduncles
3. Ischio-rectal fossa
4. Blood supply and microscopic structure of thyroid gland
Short notes (5x3=15)
5. Microscopic structure of palatine tonsil
6. Second part of duodenum
7. Perineal body
8. Pharyngeal constrictors
9. Floor of fourth ventricle
Short answers (3x2=6)
10. Development of pituitary gland
11. Contents of rectus sheath
12. Para mesonephric duct
Draw diagrams (2x2=4)
13. Transverse section of medulla at the level of pyramidal decussation
14. Visceral surface of liver